Crescent University Post-utme 2023:Cut off mark, Eligibility and Registration procedures

Application is hereby invited into various degree programmes of Crescent University, Ogun State, for 2023/2024 Academic Session.

General Admission Requirements

  • Credits at SSCE, GCE, NECO or approved equivalent in at least 5 subjects which must include English Language and Mathematics and any other three subjects as may be specified by each Department. CLICK HERE to View Departmental Requirements.
    The 5 credits should be obtained in not more than two sittings and must have been obtained within the last 5 years.
  • Candidates using awaiting results may apply.
  • Interested candidate are expected to obtain UTME form for that year and score minimum of 180 marks.


All applicants will be required to go through Crescent University’s screening exercise without which a candidate will not be offered admission into the University.Interested candidates who have applied to the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) for admission and wish to change their first choice to Crescent University are required to: Apply for change of institution through JAMB.

Obtain the CRESCENT UNIVERSITY, ABEOKUTA application form.

Participate in the screening exercise.All applicants are required to obtain JAMB forms as well as Crescent University application Form (VISIT OUR E-PORTAL PAGE ) before they can qualify for the Screening exercise Admission through JAMB will be offered to candidates who have taken Crescent University as their choice and have acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

In addition, such candidates will be required to obtain the University’s application Form (VISIT OUR E-PORTAL PAGE) and pass the oral interview that shall be conducted as a prerequisite for admission.


In exceptional cases, holders of OND with lower credit from recognized institutions may be admitted to 200 level (part II) in relevant degree programmes, provided they satisfy the minimum requirements stipulated for entry into 100 level.

  • HND with lower credit from recognized institutions may be admitted into 200 level in the relevant degree programmes provided they satisfy the minimum requirements stipulated for entry in 100 level.
  • Interviews conducted by the University must be passed.

Transfer Candidates

  • Candidates will be allowed to transfer from other Universities to Crescent University, provided they:
    Purchase, complete the prescribed Application Form (VISIT OUR E-PORTAL PAGE)
    Hold the minimum entry requirements for admission into the University. CLICK HERE to View Entry Requirements
  • Ensure that transcript of their academic records and special confidential report on them (are forwarded by appropriate officials of their current institution) are received in the Admissions office of Crescent University not later than two months before the commencement of the intended session for which admission is being sought.
  • Have C.G.P.A. of not less than 1.5.
  • Interested candidate are expected to obtain UTME form for that year and score minimum of 180 marks.
    Obtain form from the university upon payment of Ten thousand naira (=N=10,000.00) through bank draft addressed to Crescent University, Abeokuta. The forms are obtainable at the following outlets:
    Bola Ajibola & Co., 1 Murphy Atsepoyi Close, Plot 4 Block U, Ramat Crescent Ogudu GRA, Ojota Lagos.
    Islamic Mission for Africa, No 1-15 IMA Avenue, Isale Apata off Moshood Abiola Way, Abeokuta.
    Participate in the screening exercise.
    All branches of Guaranty Trust Bank Plc.
  • The complete application form with 12 passport photo and 3 photocopies of original credentials should be returned to the admissions office of crescent university, Abeokuta.
    The candidate will then be invited for screening exercise after payment of one thousand naira (=N=1,000.00) screening fee.
  • The candidates who succeed from the screening exercise will be offered admission, accept the offer, come for the verification of certificates and registration exercise when the school resume for 1st semester usually in September of every year.

Admission aftermath


Tuition fee schedule 2023/2024 academic session


The admitted candidates pays fifty thousand naira (=N=50,000.00) acceptance fee (subject to amendments by the university management) at the Bursary and submit a photocopy of the receipt with acceptance form.
Admission officer then verifies the credential and clear all fresh students.
All students must register at the beginning of the semester for the courses prescribed by the Colleges/Departments.
Registration must be completed within the first 3 weeks of a semester. Beyond that period an additional 2 weeks may be permitted for late registration up to a limit of 5 weeks and on payment of the late registration fee to be determined by Senate from time to time.
All registration (whether late or completed at regulated time) will stop three weeks prior to examination.
On no account will registration be permitted after matriculation.
The step by step registration process is as follows:

  • Payment of prescribed fees and clearance from the Bursary.
    Clearance by the Admission Officer and collection of Registration course forms from Academic Office.
  • Allocation of students into halls of residence by the Registry for only those that have paid their fees.
    Clearance by the College Office.
  • Completion of Registration Forms by consultation with the Heads of departments concerned.
    Submission of completed registration course form duly signed, to the Academic Office through the College Office.
  • During the period of registration, all fresh students must register at the University Health Centre.
  • A copy of the fully completed Registration Course Form must be collected from the college to be kept by the student.

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