Following the recent uploading of suitable qualified candidates on provisional admission offer for the 2022/23 academic session.


Applicant’s admission status via school portal


I am duty bound to notify the General public,particularly our Esteemed Readers,Applicants of the University and the entire University community that the management of the varsity in conjunction with the ICT unit had reeled out Admission list via the School portal.

This was gathered by our Correspondent as an applicant who was shortlisted for provisional admission offer received the notification via his Personalized students pre-portal.

Consequent upon this,The University management Admonished the shortlisted applicants to ensure their program offered admission to,correlates with the one on Jamb caps,If not,they are to proceed to any nearby Jamb accredited CBT center for changing of course.

More Importantly,It’s emphatically pertinent to bring it to the notice of all Applicants, particularly those who are yet to be offered provisional admission to keep a close tab on their “Transfer approval” section on jamb caps as a new program which the Institution may transfer aspirants to will be duly notified and reflect there.

Sequel to the foregoing,They are to accept the offer in the aforesaid section and do change of course to the new program offered admission to in order to effect the provisional admission offer as a whole.

Should incase you are perturbed or perplexed regarding the last two previous paragraph statements,do well to accentuate in the comment section below for further clarification.

Moving forward, Applicants are to be duly Apprised that only those who have been offered admission via Jamb Caps will receive the admission offer notification via the school portal.

In conclusion, concerned Applicants are to click here and Supply their UTME/DE Registration number to access their admission status via the school portal.

My heartfelt Congratulations to the newly admitted students.


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