IAUE extends Post-utme/DE application deadline || 2023/2024 session

Management of the Ignatius Ajuru university of Education (IAUE) had extended the Online screening application form deadline for the 2023/2024 academic session.

This was contained in a post published on the University official website titled “Extension of Deadline for the Post-utme/DE 2023/2024 academic session application form “, signed by the University Registrar.

If you could recall vividly,The Post-utme/DE Registration as contained in the Advertisement was slated to close on the 31st of July.

This piece of Information is to bring it to the notice of the general public, particularly the Intending Applicants of the University of Education that the new deadline date is on the 12th of August,2023.

Sequel to the foregoing, Candidates seeking admission into the University who have not registered for the 2023/2024 Post-utme/DE exercise are hereby advised to do so on or before the expiration of the deadline.

The Application fee remains #2,000 only. Modalities and details for screening will be communicated to the public in our next post.

Additionally, UTME/DE candidates who did not choose the Ignatius Ajuru university of Education (IAUE) as first choice and are interested in seeking admission into the University should do change of Institution via Jamb portal to the Ignatius Ajuru university of Education IAUE and register for screening using the link in our previous post. (https://admhub.com.ng/ignatius-ajuru-post-utme-2023-cut-off-mark-eligibility-and-registration-procedures/)

It’s incumbent upon applicants to note that a minimum of 140 in the 2023 utme is required in order to be eligible for the screening exercise.

Strikingly as well, Candidates who registered for JAMB using AR should remember to upload their O’level result to Jamb portal and do the same in the University portal.


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