LASU students bemoan newly reviewed Rain semester calendar,says it’s pernicious

The Students of the Lagos state university, Ojo (LASU) had bemoaned the newly reviewed academic calendar for the second semester, 2022/2023 academic session, as stated in the University’s official Bulletin dated ” Wednesday, 6th of September, 2023.

The Decry from the students instigated when the context of the newly reviewed schedule academic activities encapsulated that the lectures for the aforesaid semester should span for 8 weeks while second semester Exam was scheduled to begin on the 31st of October, 2023.

More Fascinatingly, The calendar directed All Returning students as well as the newly admitted students who are yet to complete their tuition fee for the 2022/2023 academic session, should make payment within the span of 4 weeks, to be effective as from 4th of September, 2023.

The Bulletin Report added that the course registration portal, which has been effective, was activated for Registration and will close on the 30th of September, 2023.

“It’s supremely important to affirm that the course registration, as well as the completion of payment of outstanding tuition fee for both Students offered provisional admission into Regular with Entrepreneurship programme (STREAM 2) and Students offered provisional admission into Regular without Entrepreneurship programme (STREAM 1) should be completed on or before 30th of September,2023. “The newly reviewed schedule academic activities timetable partly reads.

This development was made known to the entire university community 2 weeks after the successful completion of the 2022/2023 First semester Exam, As a matter of fact, The Examination result for the previous semester is yet to be reeled out, as of the Time of filling this Report. These are the major factors that instigated the enunciation of the calendar and tagging it as pernicious, inimical and antagonistic to their mental health as well as their general well being.

A 200L student of Psychology, Faculty of Social science, Folake Atoyebi stated that the calendar is too truncated and one month for a semester is detrimental to all students ‘ health.

” The calendar is short, One month for a semester, are we Just here for the certificate or we are here to learn?

The course registration portal is open and they expect us to register for courses we don’t know much about, bringing newly admitted students to the context, They had spent only one semester in the school and you expect them to know what they want to register”?

Hamed Bello, A 200L student of Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) opined that the calendar isn’t taking into consideration of the fact that;

  1. The students need some time to sort out their outstanding fees.
  2. The lecture duration to cover the topics for the semester has been truncated.

He suggested that it would make a lot of difference if the Academic calendar is re-adjusted.

Speaking further, Afọlábí Timileyin, A 200L student of Educational Technology, Department of science and Technology, Lagos state university averred that the calendar isn’t a favourable one for a semester which will encapsulates many extra curricular activities.

” Well, I think the calendar isn’t a favourable one for a semester where many activities will take place, such as LASUSU week, Students’ union election, Faculty and Departmental election and the like. The school management should consider the students’ mental Health as many students are only cramming (La pour La cram) because of the limited time. ”

Next to the foregoing, Odusote Oluwatunmise, from the Department of Human kinetics, sports and Health Education (HKSHE) added that the calendar timeframe is too rapid, she expounded her bewilderment on completion of a semester in less than 3 months.

” I think the calendar is running to fast, How will we finish one semester in less than 3 months? Some lecturers might not be able to keep up, like last semester now, some courses course outlines were untouched as the Exam commenced in earnest “.

Interestingly, too, A student from the Department of Educational management, who pleaded anonymity explicated that the calendar is detrimental to all students’ mental Health and also, expressed his disappointment at the Vice chancellor approval on such malicious decision.

“It is not on the good side of many students specifically me. How could we finished an exam on the 26th of August and resumed another semester on the 4th of September, isn’t that weird?

The Vice-Chancellor is just intending to balance the academic calendar but without proper consultation and looking at the influence it will have on the students.

This second semester is the worst of it all, we resumed on the 4th of September and Examination will commences on the 30th of October. How would a semester or lecture be achieved within 8 weeks with some cumbersome course/course outline.

The Vice-Chancellor needs to be considerate, what I taught is that women are considerate but to my experiences. The above statement are not for those in power.”

In a similar fashion, Àsìkòtó Olamide, A 200L student of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social sciences , Lagos state university aired his view on the newly reviewed academic calendar.

He said ” It’s choking and Breathe taking, No time to read, Understand and put Down.”

I guessed we got admitted to LASU to write exams only, They are not preparing us for the outside world. I hope the Students’ Union can act fast about it.”

Ayantuga Praise, from the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management science, Jokingly said;

“VC never serious, who she wan kill”?

To to these critical disclosures, Oluwatayo Paul, From the Department of Educational management, An activist and a student of the Lagos state university, languished that the newly reviewed calendar is too choky, He suggested that a good academic semester lecture activities should span for a minimum of 3 months, with Extra-curricular activities being exclusive.

” The calendar is too choky, school is only considerate of their own benefit of admitting new student, They don’t care about the Returning students, a good calendar should go for at least full 3 months of lectures without any Interruption of any Extra-curricular activities, second semester is often known to be equipped with different activities, This will be pain in the back of the students”.


Barely few hours when the newly reviewed academic calendar was posted on the LASU official Twitter handle,(@LASUOFFICIAL) it also garnered euphoria of complaints and lamentations from the students as they languished on the level of its incongruity.

A tweep user, tweeted ; so students should go and source for 75k plus utility Bill, #75,500 in 2 weeks in this current economy situation? Even if this has been announced at the start of the Break, A large % of students can’t come up with it, plus the additional 2 weeks inclusive, we really need to start seeing the Senate members that are making this decisions. Do they live in this country? @LionBalogun asked rhetorically.

@stackedquadir,A student of the University also tweeted;

We are Lasu we are Great!!!

Na like this person won get 5.00 CGPA, see school calendar.

By extension of these aforementioned points, Another Twitter user, with the handle @Yusufadewal240 agitated that Lasuites are just studying to pass, graduate and collect only certificate, nothing to show off.

” Lasuites are Just studying to pass,we go graduate, collect only certificate.

“Is this what we are paying for?

Buoyed by these evidences, The students of the University had raised the Alarm on the Academic calendar, which the Students ‘ union President,Comr. Agoro Abdul Rahman (Clyde), is aware of.

The 33RD LASUSU Administration, assured the students that the pernicious academic calendar will be adjusted to a more suitable one as the President, via his What’sapp status, reiterated that the students’ welfarism is paramount to Him.

The newly reviewed academic calendar was approved by the Vice-chancellor Yesterday and relayed to the University community by the LASU CIPR via her official Facebook, Twitter handle as well as her official means of Information Dissemination channel.

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