Uniben Supplementary Putme/Pude Results||2022/2023

I am bound to Inform the General public particularly the 2022/2023 Applicants of the University of Benin who participated in the Supplementary Post-utme/Pude Exercise that the Results for the Exercise has been released as of time the filling of this Report.

If you could recall vividly, Admission hub earlier reported that the University management will conduct Post utme/Pude for those who were unable to participate in the main Exercise owing to one reason or the other, sequel to that,the Supplementary Post-utme/Pude Exercise held in the University main campus on the 7th Of December,2022.

Admission hub as its known for disseminating first hand update regarding Admission updates now bring it to the notice to whom it may concern of the Results as well as its Statistics.

According to Institution’s official P.R.O,A total of 178 Candidates were screened for the Putme with 88% pass, while the PUDE recorded a 49% pass rate,44 candidates were screened.

Prospective applicants are duly notified that the Results had been uploaded on the University’s website.

In addendum,you are logon to your personalized portal, supply the Required Login details to check your Putme/Pude Results for the 2022/23 session.

P.s;Post unified tertiary Institution Matriculation Examination and Post-Direct entry Exercise (PUTME/PUDE).


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