Unilag Post-utme/DE 2023:Cut off mark, Eligibility and Registration procedures

The University of Lagos online registration for the Post-UTME screening Exercise for ALL
COURSES/PROGRAMMES for the 2023/2024 Academic Year will commence from Monday, 10th to Friday, 28th July


  • Candidates who made University of Lagos their first choice in the 2023/2024 UTME and scored 200 and above.
  • eligible for screening in addition, candidates must possess five (5) credit passes at one sitting in relevant
    subjects including English Language and Mathematics.
    Only candidates who must have uploaded their OLevel results on JAMB Central Admissions Processing
    System (CAPS) on or before 13th August, 2023 will be considered for admission.
  • Candidates, who will not be sixteen (16) years of age by 31st October, 2023 are not eligible and need not apply.
  • Candidates who do not participate in the Post-UTME Screening will not be considered for admission.
  • Former students of the University whose admissions were withdrawn on the basis of poor academic performance or absence status could re-apply on condition that the new admission shall be for a new programme course different from the former programme/course.
    Any student expelled from the University cannot be offered fresh admission


  • Eligible candidates should log on to University of Lagos website.
  • Click on Admission.
  • Click on Post-UTME Application
    Login with UTME number as username and surname in lowercase a password
  • Generate and print payment advice
    Proceed to any commercial bank to make payment or pay online
    Return to the University portal to complete the screening form
    • Print Post-UTME Examination Pass
    Post-UTME on-line aptitude test will hold from Monday, 31st July to Friday, 4th August, 2023.

Further clarification may be obtained via email: admissions@unilagedung and the following phone numbers
09053006772, 08027953216, and 08141656802

Candidates are advised to adhere strictly to the guidelines and obtain necessary clarifications.
The University has zero tolerance for drug abuse, the university shall withdraw the admission of newly admitted students who test positive for drug use whenever the University conducts the test, either before or after

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