UNIPORT announces extension of Post-utme/DE application form sales || 2023/2024 session

The Management of the University of PORT-HARCOURT UNIPORT had graciously approved the extension of sales of the 2023/2024 Post-utme application form for the UTME and DE Aspirants.

This is to ensure more Intending Subscribers subscribe to the University on or before the Post-utme exercise

This is to ensure more Intending Subscribers subscribe to the University on or before the Post-utme exercise. A source familiar with the University made it known to one of our correspondent that the new application deadline is now 14th of August, which is contrariwise the previous deadline stated in the Advertisement.

In consonance with the above, Intending Applicants who wish to apply for the Post-utme form are Admonished to seize this golden opportunity to do so. Strikingly as well, Applicants who applied but are yet to complete the Registration are also,urged to do so on or before the aforesaid registration deadline.

The general public, particularly the Applicants of the aforesaid session are to note that there is no change in date of Post-utme exercise but only in the online application form.

To begin the Application form, click here to read the eligibility, Application procedures and to ascertain the cut off mark.

With best Regards.

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